- You don’t feel hopeful or happy about anything in your life.
- You’re crying a lot for no apparent reason, either at nothing, or something that normally would be insignificant.
- You feel like you’re moving (and thinking) in slow motion.
- Getting up in the morning requires a lot of effort.
- Carrying on a normal conversation is a struggle. You can’t seem to express yourself.
- You’re having trouble making simple
- decisions.
- Your friends and family really irritate you.
- You’re not sure if you still love your spouse/significant other.
- Smiling feels stiff and awkward. It’s like your smiling muscles are frozen.
- It seems like there’s a glass wall between you and the rest of the world.
- You’re forgetful, and it’s very difficult to concentrate on anything.
- You’re anxious and worried a lot.
- Everything seems hopeless.
- You feel like you can’t do anything right.
- You have recurring thoughts of death and/or suicidal impulses. Suicide seems like a welcome relief.
- You have a feeling of impending doom – you think something bad is going to happen, although you may not be sure what, and/or…
- …You have a very specific fear that torments you constantly.
- In your perception of the world around you, it’s always cloudy. Even on sunny days, it seems cloudy and gray.
- You feel as though you’re drowning or suffocating.
- You’re agitated, jumpy and and anxious much of the time.
- Your senses seem dulled; food tastes bland and uninteresting, music doesn’t seem to affect you, you don’t bother smelling flowers anymore.
- Incessantly and uncontrollably into your mind comes the memory of every failure, every bad or uncomfortable experience, interview or date, like a torrent of negativity.
Saturday, 26 May 2012
What does depression feel like?
Try a cliche
If you dismiss things immediately if they sound like a cliche, you might be missing some good stuff. Cliches are simply “unoriginal ideas” — and that’s fine. There are some good ideas that have been floating around for a while. Try this one on: “Be grateful for what you have.” Yawn, eye-roll, dismiss. Try it. Write down 5 to 7 things you’re glad about every night before you go to sleep for one week. Read all the entries each night. See what happens. (Hint: If you can’t think of things you’re grateful for, try thinking about the things you don’t want that you don’t have.) It’s best to do right before you turn out the light to go to sleep. Consider what you usually think about as you fall asleep? An assortment of worries or concerns, slights from difficult co-workers, things you need to remember… Negativity and chaos, really. If you purposefully inject the positive into your brain (think the movie The Matrix without the big machine and the pain) then the negative worries and concerns get bumped out. The positive isn’t fluff. It’s real things in your life that you’re actually grateful for, you just tend not to notice. We tend to have a pretty tight focus on what’s wrong with our lives, and ourselves for that matter. With that tight a focus, you’re really missing the big picture. Sometimes our minds need a manual focus adjustment to see the real picture.
Saturday, 19 May 2012
My dream is to have: ''Triplets''
I want have triplets!!!
my favorite is number is ''3''
and many good things happened in my life the third time!
I like mysterious things !
I have already their name!
Iwould like to have, two boys and a girl!
I would like to have triplets!
Feeling follow behaviour.
Psychologically-informed reflections on how we interact
by Noam Shpancer, Ph.D.
Many people assume that the link between emotion and behavior is one-way: Emotions shape behavior. You love him, therefore you kiss him. You hate him, therefore you hit him. This view is incorrect. In fact, the relationship is reciprocal. Much of the time, behavior actually shapes emotion.
Ever wonder why so often the actor and actress who play a couple in a movie fall in love on the set? Multiple processes are involved, to be sure. Both are usually young and attractive. They have much in common. They hang around each other a lot. All these are known predictors of mate selection.
But they also do love scenes together. They have to act like people who care deeply for each other. They look into each other's eyes, they touch each other. They act out the behaviors of love. No wonder the emotion of love often follows.The psychologist/philosopher William James was one of the first theorists to notice this counter-intuitive process. He believed that emotions arise out of the bodily actions we take in response to what is happening in our lives. It is not, he theorized, that, "we lose our fortune, are sorry and weep; we meet a bear, are frightened and run; we are insulted by a rival and angry and strike." In fact, he argued, "this order of sequence is incorrect...the more rational statement is that we feel sorry because we cry, angry because we strike, afraid because we tremble."
James argued that without some kind of bodily response (crying, trembling, striking) we would not feel emotion. "We might then see the bear, and judge it best to run, receive the insult and deem it right to strike, but we should not actually feel afraid or angry." While over simplifying somewhat, he was still onto an essential truth. Behavior can create emotion.
Recent research in clinical psychology has shown that the fastest way to change an emotion is to change the behavior attached to it. The idea itself is not new. For example, behavioral theorists back in the 70s believed that depression was, indirectly, a result of inactivity: after many failures and disappointments, people stopped trying and withdrew from the world; withdrawal and inactivity, however, decrease the possibility of positive interactions or experiences, hence isolation and passivity increase, hence depression.
Human beings, prone as they are to prefer immediate rewards, often respond to discomfort by withdrawal and avoidance. Withdrawal and avoidance reward us in the short run by eliminating discomfort, but they punish us in the long run by preventing us from learning how to obtain rewards in the environment. The correct reaction to failure is not to give up and shut yourself away, but to learn to act more skillfully and purposefully so as to reintroduce positive reinforcements into your life. Behavioral treatment for depression, then, revolves around getting the client to change behaviors in order to experience a change in mood-a notion referred to as behavioral activation.
Behavioral approaches to treating depression were pushed aside somewhat in the 80s by cognitive techniques, which focused on altering internal "cognitive distortions" (catastrophic, pessimistic thoughts) and negative "attributional styles" (self-punitive habits of assigning meaning to events). However, several studies in the 90s, showing that a behavioral activation component alone performed as well as the total cognitive therapy package for depression, created renewed interest in the earlier ideas.
The behavioral activation model assumes that depression has to do with the sufferer's external circumstances, not merely with the sufferer's internal characteristics. Disorders, in other words, are ‘events in context.' The behavioral activation model hence represents a ‘contextualist' view of mental illness. Rather than reflecting the individual's internal genetic or cognitive flaws, disorders are seen as an interaction between individual characteristics and environmental conditions.

Small steps for long-term progress

Practicing feeling good
Monday, 7 May 2012
It is better to practice a little than talk a lot.
''It is better to practice a little than talk a lot'' remind me to what French always say :
'' Trop parler c'est maladie''. Meaning ''actions speak louder than words''.
So, regarding to what happened the 5th of May in France, once again politic leaders must let their actions speak for them if they don't want to land like Mr Sarkozy!
Sarkozy was ''the best speaker president than France had never had before''!!!
He used to make people dream!!! He had ''very good speeches'' He made a lot of promises to French but when someone said: ''actions speak louder than words''
'' Trop parler c'est maladie''. Meaning ''actions speak louder than words''.
So, regarding to what happened the 5th of May in France, once again politic leaders must let their actions speak for them if they don't want to land like Mr Sarkozy!
Sarkozy was ''the best speaker president than France had never had before''!!!
He used to make people dream!!! He had ''very good speeches'' He made a lot of promises to French but when someone said: ''actions speak louder than words''
It was a way to help politic leaders like Sarkozy to change, to speak more by actions so people could always give him a second chance, but Mr Sarkozy didn't pay attention. So what happened???
Because what he used to say was different from what he was doing! He finished as you can see the picture above. Bye Bye Sarkozy.
Trust in relationships
Trust, as we know, is a crucial factor in any relationship. Many
relationships have broken up over trust issues. Once violated, trust is
very difficult to repair and rebuild, so it has to be guarded carefully
and constantly nurtured. It can be compared to a plant that needs the
right soil, water and temperature to flourish and attain full bloom. So
too, trust requires the right conditions and environment to sustain a
relationship through highs and lows.
If partners trust each other in a relationship, there is no guarantee
that it will continue to stay that way. You can never trust enough, nor
can you take it for granted. You have to constantly build on it.
What are the barriers to building trust in a relationship?
1. Desire to control
When one partner or the other seeks to control the relationship and
wants to achieve the upper hand, it is very difficult to meet on equal
ground and establish trust. If you are not happy in a relationship and
constantly seek to change your partner and dictate terms, it is not an
environment conducive to building trust. Your partner will withdraw and
alienate himself/herself from you.
Friday, 4 May 2012
Wedding cake-in-the-middle-of-the road
This topic makes me think of how life can have many challenges that we must always work out.
May 27, 2009
" Some of our greatest personal challenges can serve us as a 'master key' to our greatest personal breakthroughs."
Copyright © 2009 Michelle W. Seamons
These last 2 weeks have been the very toughest so far in my entire life, as far as personal challenges. Now that I am on the other side of these challenges, I am beginning to feel transformed from them and visually see a 'beautiful golden key'.
May 27, 2009
" God knows all... just play yourself."
Written in 2009 by Prabhjot Singh Khurana --- India
These words give me the power to deliver my best in difficult situations, thinking whatever will happen will be for a good cause.
May 13, 2009
" You can't do anything to change the fact that something had happened. But you can do something to change the future that is yet to come."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Evelyn Ha --- Australia
May 13, 2009
" You can't do anything to change the fact that something had happened. But you can do something to change the future that is yet to come."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Evelyn Ha --- Australia
May 11, 2009
" Sometimes that which is so readily found and envied in others is merely what we want to see in ourselves & and we need to look in our own mirror and focus on Us...because if we see it in others, we can "see it" in ourselves."
Copyright © 2008 Gerard Chambers, Psy.D. LMHC
May 11, 2009
" Your life takes on meaning when you acknowledge your being and share yourself with others; for no man is an island and God's reflection is through his people... so share yourself."
Written in 2009 by James Padilla --- Philippines
May 27, 2009
" Some of our greatest personal challenges can serve us as a 'master key' to our greatest personal breakthroughs."
Copyright © 2009 Michelle W. Seamons
These last 2 weeks have been the very toughest so far in my entire life, as far as personal challenges. Now that I am on the other side of these challenges, I am beginning to feel transformed from them and visually see a 'beautiful golden key'.
May 27, 2009
" God knows all... just play yourself."
Written in 2009 by Prabhjot Singh Khurana --- India
These words give me the power to deliver my best in difficult situations, thinking whatever will happen will be for a good cause.
May 13, 2009
" You can't do anything to change the fact that something had happened. But you can do something to change the future that is yet to come."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Evelyn Ha --- Australia
May 13, 2009
" You can't do anything to change the fact that something had happened. But you can do something to change the future that is yet to come."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Evelyn Ha --- Australia
May 11, 2009
" Sometimes that which is so readily found and envied in others is merely what we want to see in ourselves & and we need to look in our own mirror and focus on Us...because if we see it in others, we can "see it" in ourselves."
Copyright © 2008 Gerard Chambers, Psy.D. LMHC
May 11, 2009
" Your life takes on meaning when you acknowledge your being and share yourself with others; for no man is an island and God's reflection is through his people... so share yourself."
Written in 2009 by James Padilla --- Philippines
Ce fut une belle histoire d'amour!
On s'est separe une fois et cette fois je pensais que c'etait la bonne. On s'est promis de ne plus jamais nous quitter mais, je pense qu'une personne n'avait pas di la verite. Je lui ai fait confiance, j ai tout abandone pour lui mais, lui...
Ce genre d'experience ne devrait nous permettre de mieux nous comporter la prochaine fois. Il ne me reste plus que de souvenirs des bon moments passe ensemble.
J'en souffre tous les jours mais, je sais un jour que je pourrais raconter cela en riant! la vie est belle et je continue juste de la vivre comme elle se presente a moi!
''Tout ce qui ne nous tue pas, nous rend plus fort''Mais je l'aime toujours!!!
I have never been so Down!!!
I have never been so down in my life!
Things seemed nice but I think that, it was just a fake story.
I would like to cry but I can't because inside me, something is telling that, more nice things coming!!!
love hurts so much! and more when there is nothing you can do to fix things. we are far from each other!
I am almost done with my studies but my love life is just... I don't know what to do anymore! long relationship shows me that there is no way to succeed on it!
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