Monday, 7 May 2012

It is better to practice a little than talk a lot.

''It is better to practice a little than talk a lot'' remind me to what French  always say :
'' Trop parler c'est maladie''. Meaning ''actions speak louder than words''.

So, regarding to what happened the 5th of May in France, once again politic leaders must let their actions speak for them if they don't want to land like Mr Sarkozy!

Sarkozy was ''the best speaker president than France had never had before''!!!

                           He used to make people dream!!! He had ''very good speeches'' He made a lot of promises to French but when someone said: ''actions speak louder than words''

It was a way to help politic leaders like Sarkozy to change, to speak more by actions so people could always give him a second chance, but Mr Sarkozy didn't pay attention. So what happened???

Because what he used to say was different from  what he was doing! He finished as you can see the picture above. Bye Bye Sarkozy.


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