Friday, 24 August 2012

You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time.

I remember my mother telling me when I was younger : ''Parly, you cannot chase two rabbits at the same time you will probably loose one or both''  and at that age, I have no idea of what she was talking about. I was busy partying...

Growing up, I have understood  the quote better and from that I understand the importance of doing each thing at his own time because as the quote says, by following two things can lead us loosing one or both.
Thus, for my own success, I don't party... during school period because I know that, I might fail if I do. First, I must deal with my school and party during my holidays or any free time I could have.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

'Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea'' (Alain)

'' Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea''
An idea is the beginning of a realization or an accomplishment .

 The quote above tries just to make us understand that, an''Idea'' is the beginning of everything. So, i think for the sake of not having wars... people must not make others conceive bad ideas because when it happens , that could be dangerous.

There are ideas and ideas. But an idea becomes dangerous when it could have bad impact on people or the society people live in! So, I think the quote above refer to what a bad idea could be!

L'argent ne fait pas le bonheur!!!

Je pense que , l'argent ne fait pas completement le bonheur.
Cela fait 10ans aujourd'hui et j'arrive plus  a lui ouvrir mon coeur malgre tout l'argent qu'il me donne! Je sais qu'il fera un bon papa pour mes enfants, je sais qu'il fera un bon mari mais je sais pas si il merite que je lui fasse confiance!
Quand il n'etait qu'un etudiant j'etais folle de lui, tout petit cadeau de sa part representait pour moi quelque chose de grand mais, avec le temps, nous avons grandi, il gagne plus d'argent, il est devenu moins communicateur et l'amour que j'avais pour lui a disparu!
Il est le seul qui ne m'a jamais juge, le premier homme qui a cru en moi... je sais qu'il fera un bon mari! mais il ne comprend pas que, ce n'est pas l'argent qui m'importe le plus dans notre relation, je veux qu'il m'aime et qu'il reconstruse en moi cet amour qui est parti!
Il a 34 ans, il est ingenieur de formation, il est calme, beau... mais!!!
J'espere que, une fois je rentrerai definitivement, on discutera pour la derniere fois. Meme si il arrivat qu'on ne finisse pas ensemble, mais qu'on reste de bon amis!

Money can't buy everything!

I have realized that, money can't buy everything!

I like fancy  things, fancy life and I would like to drive fancy cars (Range Rover) but I would like to be able to afford those stuffs myself  first before I meet someone who can do that for me!
In relationship, I prefer love the person first before his money. So, I can't love someone for his money!
Some people think that, with money they can buy everything even love and I say: Money can't buy everything!
love me first, make me love you, tell me where you get your money from and i will stay with you but don't expect me to love you for the money you have even i don't even know where it comes from!
''Money doesn't buy everything''

Monday, 13 August 2012

Have you figured out the second head fake?

I think I don't  need it! because I have been taught to always show people who I am so they could like know me and give me second chance ... when I will need it.

I just need to be who I am!
I don't fake my personality to get what I want because I have been taught that everything deserve an effort!

Thus, for me, figure out the second head fake must not be an idea!!!

I am...?

I am Parly Juliette Medjo Obam. I am from Gabon and I am the second last child of my family.

Coming from a big family, I have been  taught that,''family must always come first'', to respect people,to recognize others' values, to fight and stand for everything I want.
So, I am an ambitious girl!
At school, I have never been the best one but I have never been neither the last. But I passed my metric in 2006, (after I failed it two times). I wanted to go in London in 2007 but it failed and I never gave up. 2008, I received a scholarship for South Africa.
Things weren't easy at the beginning, I couldn't speak English... but I had my goals. In 20012, I graduted from my ND in PR. Waouuuuuuu, that was a magic day!!!
My graduation day 2012 (ND/PR)

Thus, this year I am doing my Betch in PR, it is my last year in South Africa and I am preparing myself for new challenges. I like challenges.

I am a lover, romantic person...
I love fashion! (by the way, Zara is opening the 17th of August at Waterfront!!!).

I am HUMAN!!!

Saturday, 11 August 2012

11 jours de bonheur!!!

''Les bonnes choses ne durent pas'' j'en ai la certitude.
Quand je pense que, le 2/08 etait un jour de reve pour moi! la veille, j'avais pas dormi car je me demandais comment je le prendrais dans mes bras quand je le verais a l'aeroport. Et finalment, ce jour du deux est arrive. J'ai recupere mon doudou a l'aeroport. Je l ai depose a la maison et je suis allee aux cours. le soir quand je suis rentree, je l'ai trouve dans le lit...
le soir du deux, fut un soir magic!!!
Mais helas, ses 11 jours ont defile comme une eclaire! J'ai du deposer mon doudou ce matin, il est reparti! Il me manque deja, mon lit est vide sans lui!!! J'ai encore 4 mois!!! Seigneur!!!

11 days!!!

From the 2nd of  August until the 10th of August I have lived something special.But I still think that 11 days weren't enough!
The 2nd of August was the day I picked him up from the airport. It was such a beautiful day with a very nice weather. I wish I could stop the time and make him stay longer. But!!!
This morning, with a bad weather  I had to drop him to airport. We both cried like children. It seemed that we won't never seen each other.
I don't know how to manage that, I 'have tried so many times but I still can't manage my feelings! long distance relationship is a torture!!!