Saturday, 28 July 2012

Andy Warhol said,''In the futur everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes.'' You can't choose the 15 minutes but why would you be world famous?

People like, mother Teresa, Princess Diana deserved to be famous for their good actions around the world. So, if one day , I have the privilege to be world famous for fefteen minutes, I wish that, it must be for a good action i have done somewhere not for the money i must have.
I read somewhere that, real happiness is when we put a smile on someone face.(good action).

''Good action should be the reasons people are femous''

My faith

Younger, I didn't know the word ''faith'' meaning and  power.
Growing up and facing things in my life, made me understand  and experiment ''faith'' in Jesus.
With ''faith'' my life seems easy.Thus , because of the ''faith'' I have, a voice deep inside me always telling me ''God brings you to it, He will bring you through it''

Sunday, 22 July 2012

A skill set called leardership.

Reading stories about :
Nelson Mandela                                                           Ghandy
Martin Luther King...

Made me questioned myself : Are they born leaders?
So, through my readings, I found out that:
                      Some people believe that leaders are born with the necessary qualities that make them successful as a leader. While others believe that leadership, like many other similar characteristics, can be learned and developed through life. For me, I think much of the debate depends on how you define leadership.
Defining Leadership
Let’s assume leadership means having an ability and desire to inspire and influence others. Based on that definition, I can certainly see the argument that leaders are born with leading qualities when I see my daughter using her inherent ability to influence her little brother (and sometimes her parents) to do the things she wants them to do.
If leadership means being courageous and willing to speak out for the betterment of those around you, I would think that leaders do not have to be born as such. I have seen people who consider themselves introverts and overall followers become successful leaders when faced with an issue they are passionate about.
If we define leadership as having atypical intelligence, creativity and/or drive, then I am back to believing that it’s a trait you’re born with, although you may or may not continue to develop that trait through your life...

Fausse Amitie!

"L'ami le plus dangereux est celui qui nous accable de louanges en public."
Axel Oxenstiern

J'ai toujours donne l'impression a mes ''amis'' de savoir tout sur moi juste pour savoir qui ils sont reellement. Et plus je prend de l'age, plus l'approche de mon success, plus le Seigneur nettoie autour de moi en me montrant exactement qui sont reellement mes vrai ''amis''. 
J'ai pas peur, mais juste un peu triste car ses faux amis souffrent de savoir que ma vie triomphe et ils ne peuvent rien contre ca car le Seigneur est mon berger!
Quelqu'un a chante un jour; '' on est pas ne sous la meme etoile''.

A quoi servent les amis
Si du jour au lendemain ils sont tes ennemis

A quoi sert l'amitié
Si un jour un ami t'as trompés

A quoi sert les bons délires
Si avec lui tu ne peux plus en rire

A quoi ça sert de se confier
Si les secrets vont être répétés

Les amis sont-ils vraiment loyal
Ou bien peuvent-ils t'être fatal

Sont-ils vraiment là quand tu as besoin d'eux
Resteront-ils si un jour tu es malheureux

Prends garde aux faux amis
Sinon tu vas être trahis

Et vous avez vous déjà vécu une fausse amitié

False friendship!

 A false friend is someone who is not really your friend. They are the type of people who we sometimes accidentally become friends with. They may want attention, popularity, your belongings or money, or simply a friend at all.

 False friends, sometimes also called frenemis, are people who pretend to be a friend and then turn out to be just the opposite. They are individuals who get close to you for the specific reason to make fun of you behind your back, delight in the misery you endure, and find out about your life so they can gossip about it later.
 Because we generally want to see the best in people, we may give false friends several chances to prove that they are more than an enemy in disguise. However, when you discover a false friend in your life, you should distance yourself from them. Life is too short to be surrounded with people who don't really care about you.

 Scottish Proverb
"False friends are worse than bitter enemies."
This quote speaks to the fact that it is almost easier to deal with someone who you know from the start is not on your side than someone who you thought was a friend but is really not.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

''Rock journalism is people who can't write interviewing people who can't talk for people who can't read'' (Frank Zappa)- comment

Frank Zappa's  quote tries once again to tell people how bad journalists can be to achieve what they want . He  would like to show the world that, journalists even they have an interview with someone, they don't always tell the reel story. they always add some lies so they can get what they want from the public.
Thus, Frank tries to warn people when time comes to read stories regarding stars and others public people. He thinks , people must always have second thought before we make any judgements on everything we read on the papers.

Un gars different des autres!

Ulrich, il s'appelle Ulrich .Je suis folle de lui. C'est un garcon pas comme les autres mais je pense que je l'aime meme si je sais que cela va etre tres difficile notre relation parce qu'on est tous les deux deux personnes a caracteres forts.

Je pense que je suis folle de lui. La premiere fois je l'ai vu, je n'ai epourtant pas ressenti quelque chose. Mais au fur et a mesure que nous fesions connaissance, je tombais amoureuse de lui.

Il etait quatre heures du matin, j'etais seule et j'avais besioin de parler a quelqu'un. Il m'a dit; viens prendre un cafe et on s'est raconte nos vie, on a ri, on a pleure.

Il est parfois difficile, mais je pense que c'est pour cacher son cote faible. Je sais qu'il a besoin de moi , il a besoin que je lui fasse des calins mais le probleme est que, il ne sait pas comment le demander.
J'ai eu l'habitude de lui dire; Ulrich du dehors et celui de la chambre sont deux personne differentes.

C'est mon gros bebe, je commence a le comprendre!

A kind of guy!

Ulrich, it is his name.
He is different from other guys and I like him the way he is. Even I know, things won't be easy with him.
I am crazy about him, His a boy like no others but I love him.

He always gives me the impression to be a strong boy, a boy with no feelings at all but, at the end, his behavior tells me different things.
The first time I saw him, I knew he was a good guy but I had to leave for another country the next day.
 In April, he came to visit me!!! and in August, he coming again to visit me!!!

He is a kind of guy!
He gives the impression to be the kind of guy without any feelings but his actions tell me others things.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

List your top 200 achievement.

 According to the Oxford dictionary, the word ''achievement''  can be defined as a thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage or skills.
So, regarding to what it is said above, I am afraid , I won't be able to list 200 achievement! But I will try to list my few achievements.
  1. CEP ( Primary School Certificat)
  2. Matric
  3. Being General secretary (high school)
  4. Being member of Leo club ( lion's club organization for young)
  5. Getting a bursary for South Africa
  6. English school certificate
  7. ND/PR
  8. Btech/ current

Je suis moi!

j'ai eu un passe! c'est vrai, mais ce n'est pas pour autant que je permettreais a quelqu'un de me manquer de respect!
En amour, il parait qu'on dit,''il faut supporter'' mais je pense qu' il y a bien des limites a toutes choses. Il m ait arrive de penser que, tres souvent on a pas besoin de dessin pour certains messages car certains actes parlent deux meme.

je sais que je ne suis pas facile a vivre, mais je pense que , seul Dieu sait jusqu'a quel point je fais des effort en amour! mais certaines personnes pensent juste que c'est un moyen de m'humilier! bref!
Je vivrais comme j'ai toujours fait jusqu'au jour, celui qui est mon createur decidera le contraire!

We must stop being someone we are not to please ''people''!

Never pretend to be someone you're not!

I tried to pretend to be someone I wasn't to please him! but he didn't bother to treat me like a miserable girl. I tried to change the way I used to leave so he could see that , I was a natural girl but, it didn't change anything at all.
He spoke to me  the way no one never spoken to me before!
So, I said one day; enough was enough! and I decided to seat back, and stop being the person i wasn't.
I walked away with a heart broken but that situation helped me to get free.

What motivate me?

  My motivation comes from my personal experiences, my parents, the society I live in, politics and some people who have been important in life.

By admiring what my mother has been doing for us ( my sisters, my brothers and I) over the past years until today motivated me. So, my admiration for what my mother is doing are assumption and conclusion that I have taken as true at some level in order to form a framework to help me make sens out of the world I live in. In addition, my beliefs are also at the core of how I built my future, my expectations and I constantly find reinforcement that they are true.

The 10 most unexpected consequences of being online.

The Internet and mobile technology are changing the way we interact, work, and learn. Everyone can report the news or share a picture from their cell phone. You can produce your own music, publish your own book, blog your thoughts that you usually keep to yourself, create a website with even personal information, and talk on your cell whenever and wherever you want. We are using technology for our own use yet it infringes on others.Thus, what could be the 10 most unexpected consequences of being online?
  • land in jail (and  pay R5000 fin) if you are cached texting or answering the phone driving.
  •  An accident (if you drive and texting)
  • Receive a good news
  • Receive a bad news
  • Bumping into people
  • Become addicted
  • Become a good researcher  
  • Become a good spy
  • Get online virus
  •  Get eyes problems like me !!!!